Parental Controls for TikTok Your it and tech mates

Parental Controls for TikTok

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Parental Controls for TikTok

Parental Controls for TikTok

Parental Controls for TikTok your it and tech mates tech tips


How to turn on TikTok Family Safety Mode?

Parental Controls for TikTok

Tik Tok Family Safety Mode explainer video powered by Nobel Tech.



Parental Controls for TikTok your it and tech mates tech tips

Parental Controls for TikTok

Parental Controls for TikTok


Is TikTok Safe for Kids? Questions of online safety and data privacy concerns are top of mind for many parents when it comes to their teens’ involvement with TikTok and other social media networks.


Four main TikTok risks to Consider: 


  • Exposure to Inappropriate Content
  • Contact With Strangers
  • Cyberbullying
  • Data Privacy


If you want to ensure your child uses TikTok safely, there are several safety measures steps you can take.


Tik Tok doesn’t have direct parental control but it offers a digital wellbeing feature through which you can add some restrictions to your application that you have to use.


TikTok was the most downloaded app on the App store as per the survey conducted during 2019. As of 2021, the app is on millions on mobile devices in the United States and abroad; and is hailed as a lighthearted, fun app despite various security concerns popping up over the last few years.


Among approximately 800 million active users worldwide, around 40% of them are between the ages of 14 to 24. Yes, the app is fun and has offered s supportive community for many but at the meantime, it is also raising concerns over dangerous trends and effects on mental health. That is why; most of the parents should feel the responsibility to understand the negative aspect.


Internet and mobile users are growing significantly nowadays, and so are the social media platforms. People are so into social media that they don’t care about the hours spent on it. So to avoid this, Google has taken an initiative called Digital Wellbeing, where you can place limits on when and how the applications are used.


Using the digital Wellbeing feature, you can add some sets of restrictions to your TikTok application such as limiting the appearance of content which you think is inappropriate; or managing the screen time. Have a look at the brief description of these features:


Using Screen Tim Management feature, you can control how long your kids can spend time on TikTok each day. Once you activate this feature on your children device, he/she can use the app for maximum of 2 hours for the day. You can also shorten the time limit to 40/60/90 minutes, as you deem appropriate. Remember, you need to set the password to activate the feature for first time. Whenever the time limit is reached, the password is required to keep using TikTok. Here is how to activate the feature:


  • Open TikTok and go to profile.
  • Tap on the icon with three dots (top-right corner of your device)
  • Scroll down to “Content & Activity ”<” Digital Wellbeing ”< ”Screen Time Management”.
  • Set time limit.
  • Tap on “Turn on Screen Time Management”.




Parental Controls for TikTok your it and tech mates tech tips



Set password.



Parental Controls for TikTok your it and tech mates tech hacks



Using this feature, you can block mature content from being accessed by your kids. The feature helps to limit the appearance of violent and sexual content. Here’s how to activate the feature:

  • Open TikTok and go to profile.
  • Tap on the icon with three dots (top-right corner of your device)
  • Scroll down to “Content & Activity” <” Digital Wellbeing ”<” Restricted Mode”
  • Tap on “Turn on Restricted Mode”.



Parental Controls for TikTok your it and tech mates tech hacks


Set password.





However, there is always the possibility that some inappropriate content could slip in despite efforts to prevent it. For this, you can use extra precautions and can try the new options:


Family pairing


This feature allows you to link your kid’s account to your own and you’ll be free to manage your teen’s privacy and safety settings like disabling a direct message, turning in restricted content mode, choosing whether to make your teen’s account private or public and setting limit on your teen’s watch time. For this, parents need to create their own TikTok accounts and needs to get their children to agree to have their account linked. Here’s the complete process:

  • Open TikTok and go to profile.
  • Tap on the icon with three dots (top-right corner of your device)
  • Scroll down to Content > Activity > Family pairing.






Tap family pairing and choose whether the phone belongs to the parent or teen.





Link the account by scanning the QR code on one phone with the other.


You must acknowledge that these solutions can make your kid’s safe to some extent, but it may not work every time. So, it’s important to keep the lines of communication with your teens as open as possible. You must find a way to let your kids know what’s appropriate for them in terms of privacy, online activities they are engaged in and time spent in social media.


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Parental Controls for TikTok

Parental Controls for TikTok

Reference: Teresa Griffith ( Blogger, Tech Enthusiast, Mother, B.F.A in Theatre & Dance., West Virginia University ). “Does TikTok (Tik Tok) have parental controls?”  originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

Parental Controls for TikTok

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