Enhance Home Network Security
13 Easy Ways to Improve Home Network Security
Enhance Home Network Security
Improve Home Network Security video powered by Home Network Geek.
Improve Home Network Security
How to Improve the Network Security for Your Home or Office?
10 easy ways to enhance home network security
Increasingly, our homes are filled with internet-connected gadgets and devices, including computers, tablets, smartphones, TVs, phones, refrigerators, and baby monitors. However, Using the internet to connect all our devices has opened the door to many risks and security concerns.
Here’s a crazy thing: if you’re using any Windows computer made in the last ten years, it’s secure out of the box and kept that way, automatically and for free, by Microsoft. All you have to do is not break it! So let me tell you some of the things not to do. These may not meet your definition of “advanced”, but they’re really all that’s needed.
10 Top Tips
Don’t disable automatic updating.
If something is popping up at you or you get an email saying there is a problem with your computer or account, it’s probably a scam. If you click and it asks you for a credit card or password, 99.9% of the time it’s a scam. Don’t give them your password or credit card. If your computer is less than about five years old or you’re using the Chrome browser, you may see a big red message saying “this site is unsafe”. Listen to it.
Uninstall Java and Flash. They aren’t really used anymore except to attack you.
Don’t install software off the internet unless you went to a reputable site and downloaded it directly from there. Never install anything else. If you’re browsing the web and a message pops up and tells you to install something, don’t do it. If you get an email telling you to install some software, don’t do it. Definitely don’t install software pirated off BitTorrent – that stuff is basically always stuffed with viruses.
If you open an Office document and it wants you to enable macros, don’t.
Realize that identity isn’t verified for email. Anyone can send you email pretending to be Uncle Larry and it’ll look exactly like if Larry himself sent it.
There’s no free money. If someone’s telling you you’ll make a lot of money over the internet for no work, it’s a scam. Generally speaking, you should assume most strangers on the internet are trying to scam you.
Set your passwords to online accounts to something fairly complex. Two good techniques are mnemonics (“This is my 1st password!”->”Tim1p!”) and passphrases (the full string “this is another password”). Or, use a password manager like Chrome’s built-in one or LastPass. I recommend Chrome’s mostly because the others have had some security problems.
If you’re still using Windows XP or Windows 7, it’s seriously time to get a new computer.
The only really advanced thing I can think of is to update your router’s firmware. Instructions will vary by model but should be available online.
This is basically all I do on my home network and computers. Some people set up a Linux box as a router with hand configured iptables rules, but there’s really no point to that.
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Enhance Home Network Security
Enhance Home Network Security
Reference: David Seidman ( Head of Detection and Response Platform at Robinhood (Brokerage) ). “What are some advanced practices to increase in-home cyber security for a non-coder?” originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
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