Social Media Safety Tips for Children your it and tech mates

Social Media Safety Tips for Children

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Social Media Safety Tips for Children

Social Media Safety Tips

Internet Safety and Security for Kids

Social Media Safety Tips

Internet Safety and Security for Kids


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Social Media Safety Tips for Children your it and tech mates

Social Media Safety Tips for Children

Social Media Safety Tips

Learning with Expert – Terry L. Anderson.

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Social Media Safety Tips

By supporting and guiding your children, they can make informed decisions online – and ask for help when needed. Educate your children about safe online navigation and how to avoid harmful experiences online. – Your IT and Tech Mates


In our modern society, social media is one of the most common ways we communicate with one another. This is true for adults and children.


With summer break starting, many children will find even more time than usual to spend on their phones, tablets, or computers. Often times they are communicating through social media apps. Do we know who they are talking to? Do they really know?


Social Media Safety Tips for Children your it and tech mates

Thank you, Quora!



As parents, our main goal is to keep our children safe and healthy. This applies to both physical and emotional health.


One important way to help them stay safe while using social media is to monitor their usage. Just like when our children spend time with their friends in real life, we need to know what they are doing and who they are talking to through social media platforms.


While it is important to give our children some freedom, we still need to know that they are being safe and following the social media rules we set for them. Giving them clear rules and consequences for their misuse will help them continue to use social media in a positive manner.


Teach them social media safety habits. While it is ideal to share this information with them before they get on social media for the first time, that might be difficult. These rules and safety measures will be valuable at any time.


According to Tips for Safe Social Networking for Teens – ConnectSafely, some of the things children (of any age) can do to stay safe online are as follows:


  • Be your own person. Never pretend to be someone that you are not. Be who you really are and you will attract the people who will become your real friends.
  • Be nice. Don’t say mean things just because you can hide behind a screen. Your words hurt the same as if you would say them to the person’s face.
  • Think about what you post. Remember that once it is out there it is out there for everyone!
  • Do not add people you don’t know on social media accounts. Having friends and followers is fun but can be dangerous when they are strangers.
  • Never send inappropriate pictures or engage in sexual conversations with peers or strangers. Never. Never. Never.


ALSO – NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR ADDRESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Don’t even tell anyone you don’t know what city you live in or what school you go to. Don’t post photos that show your school or give any information about where you live. Try to be as vague as possible about where you live.


If we stress the importance of these rules and safety habits and reinforce them with a consistent reward/consequence system, we can help our children stay safe online. This also will give us some peace of mind when trusting our kids with the responsibility and privilege of using social media.

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Social Media Safety Tips


Reference: Terry L. Anderson ( Social Media Safety Expert ) – “Social Media Safety Tips for Children”  originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.



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