How to Find Your WIFI Password when You Forgot It? One Simple Hack

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How to Find Your WIFI Password when You Forgot It? One Simple Hack

How to Find your WIFI Password

 Your IT and Tech Mates youtube IT tips and tricks video How to Find Your WIFI Password


How to Find your WIFI Password?

How to Find your WIFI Password

How to Find your WIFI Password Explained video powered by MDTechVideos.



Your IT and Tech Mates Hot IT tips Hot Tech hacks How to Find Your WIFI Password


How to Find Your WIFI Password when You Forgot It?


One easy and Simple Hack


Thanks for the request Valery,


To answer your question outright – there are a few ways and depending on if you connected prior or not.


As others have stated – logging into your routers web ui will allow you to review under the wireless →security tabs (generally).


Some routers – have capabilities with phone apps that allow you to adjust and review router config with a clean ui. IE: Netgear Genie.


Also – most routers have a wps button – and many devices can connect this way.. It auto fills the information for you.


Alternatively – lets say you connected to the ssid with your Windows pc.


You can get your password with the following steps.


Open cmd prompt


(In windows 10 you can click start → search for “cmd.exe”)


Best match should show Command Prompt


Once opened enter “netsh wlan show profile” (without “ “)


This will populate a list of all the networks you have recently connected to.


Find the Network SSID (Name) and write it down.


Next enter the following syntax “netsh wlan show profile WiFi-name key=clear


Please note that the SSID you wrote down before you will enter at WIFI-Name.


IE. SSID = Thetimeisnow


Your syntax would be “netsh wlan show profile Thetimeisnow key=clear


Reminder: Do not include “ “ with syntax when applying in cmd.


This will show your password


Below I have included a snippet of what output will look like


The red is where you will find your password.


How to Find Your WIFI Password windows trips your it and tech mates tech hacks


Just a fun test – enter the show password command without “clear”


Do you see a difference?


Do you better understand the syntax after reviewing?




Thanks for the request!



Jason Smith



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How to Find your WiFi Password

Reference: Jason Smith ( Application Engineer – Crestron Electronics ). ” How can I see my WIFI password? ”  originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

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